Passing on
your wealth

Giving your beneficiaries a better future

Many of our clients want to pass on their wealth to their children and grandchildren whilst minimising Inheritance Tax (IHT).

IHT can be a complex area of financial planning which merits careful consideration. Our experts will ensure as much of your hard-earned wealth as possible is passed on to the next generation.

A holistic approach to estate planning

Estate planning is not only a concern for people in later life. In fact, the earlier you factor it into your financial plans, the more successful your strategy is likely to be.

As you move through life, we can help you arrange your finances in a way that furthers your estate planning goals, taking full advantage of any applicable reliefs and exemptions.

This may involve:

    • Making lifetime gifts to children and grandchildren
    • Placing assets or life insurance policies in trust to safeguard them from IHT
    • Taking advantage of Business or Agricultural Relief.

Get in touch

Talk to us

We deal with the complexities of estate planning, so you don’t have to. Call us on 01904 694300 to talk about passing on your wealth tax efficiently.